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Health and Disability 
Health issues affect all of us. Whether you suffer a debilitating illness, or are injured on the job, most adults depend on their employer to provide them coverage. But for an increasing number of people, that type of coverage is not provided. That's why there's PrimeQuote. We've combined the efficiency of the Internet with the most reputable and dependable insurance providers to offer individuals meaningful health and disability insurance. College/New Job

Term Insurance

When a person is informed that they are suffering a serious health problem or disability, one of the first regrets is often that more time wasn't taken purchasing life insurance before the problem developed. PrimeQuote understands that not everyone is in perfect health and disabilities occur even to those of us who are most careful in the way they live. For this reason, PrimeQuote has introduced "Almost Guaranteed Insurance" for those with health or disability problems. You will have to answer medical questions and the life insurance company will want you to undergo medical underwriting so the company understands precisely the risk involved. Still, except in the most serious situations, the company will issue you life insurance, generally at very reasonable costs. Even the most serious cases may be issued life insurance on a "graded" basis, where the full coverage gradually applies over a two or three year period. Even with graded benefit products, you will be guaranteed a return of premium plus a specified interest rate which your beneficiaries will receive as an income tax free death benefit.

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